Kerala Public Schools
...every child a winner




FLY Against COVID-19 Contest!

Do you have an innovative idea that can help solve any of the myriad problems caused by COVID-19? Put on your thinking caps as CMI brings to you the FLY Against COVID-19 Contest!

The coronavirus pandemic has seriously affected people in every country across the globe. Apart from the threat to life, it has disrupted our normal way of life and the economic well-being of millions. It is our duty to contribute in whatever way we can. We must fight this pandemic together. Every bit helps.

Rewards: Rs 5,000 each for the five best ideas and certificate of merit for all high scoring entries.

The ideas will be judged on the basis of their potential impact, ease of implementation and potential cost.
More comprehensive the ideas, higher the scores you fetch.

Deadline for submission: May 10, 2020

Participant – open to all 18 years and above , especially students .

For further details and rules of the competition, visit our webpage: